Looking for somewhere to meet up with your family to treat Dad on Fathers Day? You can’t go past Campbelltown, 30 minutes from the City, Wollongong, Blue Mountains and Western Sydney. Campbelltown offers a variety of options for your day, from Picnics to Fine dining we have it all. Check out some of local Favourites for the Fathers day Events.
- Alkalizer
- Art Cafe
- Campbelltown Catholic Club
- Campbelltown RSL
- Salute at Ingleburn RSL
- The Ambarvale Hotel
- Club Menangle
- Campbelltown Golf Club
- Lone Star Rib House
- The Bradbury Hotel
- Raby Rose
- The Outback Steakhouse
- The Hermitage Restaurant
- The Macarthur Tavern
Visit our Website Visit Campbelltown to see all Campbelltown has to offer. Begin with Campbelltown, the city between two rivers.