Looking for a unique gift or souvenir? Stop by the Campbelltown Visitor Information Centre, we’ve got something for everyone this Christmas.
Koala merchandise | Kerries Jams and Chutneys | Better World Arts | La La Land Cards and Gifts |
Koalaty Sunglasses | Indigearth Spices, Teas and Lotions | Willobar Designs | Bubblemama Soaps |
Koh Living | Grandads Honey | Dharawal Stories and Resources | Simply Bushed CD’s |
Kangaroo Gifts | Rosemeadow Honey | A Little Bit of Rainbow | Envirosak |

Open Wednesday – Friday 10am to 4pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am to 2pm. Christmas Eve, Friday 24 December 10am to 2pm.